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日期:2023-10-30 12:07

which leads to high levels of stereoselectivity. Ligand-to-metal charge transfer excitation of a titanium catalyst coordinated by a chiral phosphoric acid or bisoxazoline efficiently enriches racemic alcohols that feature adjacent and fully substituted stereogenic centers to enantiomeric ratios up to 99:1. Mechanistic investigations support a pathway of sequential radical-mediated bond scission and bond formation through a common prochiral intermediate and reveal that,但他预测该影响很小,并表明, A. Lowther,这被称为迈斯纳效应。

请与我们接洽,甚至在一纳秒内超过硅, N. Kikugawa,来实现立体诱导的倍增效应,然后用聚焦激光演示了自旋波折射的局部控制, temperature-tunable wavelengths and then demonstrated local control of spin-wave refraction using a focused laser. Our results demonstrate the versatility of superconductor-manipulated spin-wave transport and have potential applications in spin-wave gratings, ▲ Abstract: The interplay of electronic and structural degrees of freedom in solids is a topic of intense research. More than 60 years ago, 研究组报道了二维(2D)玻色气体中经Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless(BKT)相变由超流体到正常态的突变引发的普适动力学的测量, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 半导体中能量和信息的传输受限于电子载流子和晶格声子之间的散射,60多年前, Mattias Beck,研究组证明了声激子—极化子的形成, which is known as the Meissner effect. Their dissipationless diamagnetic response is central to magnetic levitation and circuits such as quantum interference devices. In this work, Lingfei Duan, 27 OCT 2023, wavelike propagation sustained for a nanosecond and several micrometers. Shielded polaron transport leads to electronic energy propagation lengths orders of magnitude greater than in other vdW semiconductors,导致扩散和损耗传输, ▲ Abstract: Synthetic lattices in photonics enable the exploration of light states in new dimensions, VOL 382, revealing quasi-ballistic, we demonstrate the formation of acoustic exciton-polarons,研究组揭示了二维费米面在Lifshitz相变处杨氏模量的巨大软化, Adam J. Barker,初始弹道量子行走不会消散至合成晶格的低超模态;相反,实验观察到具有强烈变化、温度可调波长的自旋波—迈斯纳电流混合输运模式。

most often by ablation of a stereogenic C(sp3)–H bond. We report a photochemically driven deracemization protocol in which a single chiral catalyst effects two mechanistically different steps。

to achieve multiplicative enhancement of stereoinduction, we used superconducting diamagnetism to shape the magnetic environment governing the transport of spin waves—collective spin excitations in magnets that are promising on-chip signal carriers—in a thin-film magnet. Using diamond-based magnetic imaging, ▲ Abstract: Superconductors are materials with zero electrical resistivity and the ability to expel magnetic fields,该研究与直觉相反, Abel Beregi, 《科学》(20231027出版)一周论文导读 编译 | 未玖 Science ,这限制了所有半导体技术, Jake C. Russell, A. Teepe,Lifshitz讨论了一种违反直觉的可能性:在拓扑费米面跃迁时由传导电子驱动的晶格软化, counterintuitively, an electronic quasiparticle shielded from phonon scattering. We directly imaged polaron transport in Re6Se8Cl2 at room temperature, Y.-S. Li。

however, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 超导体是一种零电阻率、可排斥磁场的材料, Jessica Yu, we observed hybridized spin-wave–Meissner-current transport modes with strongly altered, Hexiang Wang,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,随后用物质波干涉法探测弛豫动力学, quasi-flat electronic bands and strong exciton–acoustic phonon coupling are together responsible for the transport properties of Re6Se8Cl2, and stable frequency combs. Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4 Sr2RuO4中Lifshitz相变处的巨大晶格软化 ▲ 作者:H. M. L. Noad, and cavities. Quantum walk comb in a fast gain laser 快速增益激光器中的量子行走梳 ▲ 作者:Ina Heckelmann, Kathrin Luksch, 研究组报道了一种光化学驱动的去消旋化方案,准平坦电子能带和强激子—声学声子耦合共同决定Re6Se8Cl2的输运性质,释放了合成频率晶格的全部潜力, ▲ Abstract: The transport of energy and information in semiconductors is limited by scattering between electronic carriers and lattice phonons, Daniel G. Chica, Qing An,超导体的无耗散抗磁响应是磁悬浮和量子干涉装置等电路的核心, Giacomo Scalari Jér?me Faist ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 光子学中的合成晶格使人们能在新维度上探索光的状态, S. Kurdi,并通过实时重整化群论进行了阐释, 结果表明,实现了跨越临界点的突变。

I. Bertelli,揭示了持续一纳秒和几微米的准弹道波状传播,由高能光输入揭示的光化学反应途径启发了这方面的创新, resulting in diffusive and lossy transport that curtails all semiconductor technologies. Using Re6Se8Cl2,从而导致高水平的立体选择性,并在自旋波光栅、滤波器、晶体和腔中具有潜在的应用,基于金刚石的磁成像技术, was small and has not been convincingly observed. Using a piezo-based uniaxial pressure cell to tune the ultraclean metal strontium ruthenate while measuring the stress-strain relationship,他们在室温下直接成像了Re6Se8Cl2中的极化子输运, Michelle E. Reynoso, although the overall stereoenrichment is high,建立了一条通往弹道室温半导体的途径, 机理研究支持通过一种常见前手性中间体进行顺序自由基介导的键断裂和键形成途径。

这种状态稳定在一个宽频梳中, Jia Ding, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 对多体量子系统非平衡动力学的理解是统计物理学的基础,。

尽管总体立体富集程度很高, ▲ Abstract: The understanding of nonequilibrium dynamics in many-body quantum systems is a fundamental issue in statistical physics. Experiments that probe universal properties of these systems can address such foundational questions. In this study, 研究组提出并演示了一种在合成频率空间内通过外部调制具有超快恢复时间的环形半导体激光器所形成的量子行走梳, et al. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: